So I stumbled upon this website that sells replicas of designer furniture. Usually I would want the real thing not knock offs but, when it comes to designer furniture a just out of college girl can’t afford that designer price. So I rummaged around this site called Interior Trade Furniture and another similar website. I was looking for a cheaper version of some kind of dining chair. I ended up finding some plus wanting to spend my whole tax refund on the Womb chair reproduction….still dreaming about it!
Well, I am so obsessed about the Panton chair (see Panton chair montage above), that when I saw how relatively inexpensive they were I jumped at ‘em! Even if I change up my décor, they will still look nice because they can go with anything! Denmark designer, Verner Panton, really knew what he was creating!
Verner Panton (1996) by Erling Mandelmann
Anyway, I got two of the chairs...for now. I think they will go nicely with my dining table from Ikea which looks like a more inexpensive version of Eero Saarinen’s Tulip Pedestal Table. I am a sucker for mid-century modern furniture and I am so giddy with excitement that these two chairs are already sitting in my apartment office waiting to get picked up at this very moment!!! I hope they look like the website photo. I will let you know how they turn out!
Have a great weekend everybody!
peace & love,